state line
- n.(美国)州界,州界线

We 've crossed the state line .
The police couldn 't arrest him because he 'd fled across the state line .
He is said to have thrown off pursuers by pedaling across the Wisconsin state line
Steady state line and steady state strength line of saturated loess is established .
Right now , you 're straddling the state line .
I 'm at a motel somewhere near the state line .
In addition , according to this principle , it was theoretically proved that the space critical state line exists and is unique and independent of the stress history .
Flowing back and forth across the state line , the River 's abundant wildlife and unspoiled beauty is a remnant of the past
The normal consolidation line , the critical state line and the strength envelope line are determined from the laboratory tests , and equations of these lines are given .
It is looking at property about 50 miles ( 80km ) away from tribal lands , near the Rhode Island state line .
The last pole of the transcontinental telephone line is placed in wendover , utah , on the Nevada-Utah state line .
Two police officers riding bikes to raise money for the families of officers killed on duty were themselves killed in a wreck near the Indiana-Illinois State line today .
Earthquakes are very common in Eureka , a city of about 27,000 people about 270 miles northwest of San Francisco and 100 miles south of the Oregon state line .
In six months , I was the holiest of holies , with a heart entirely devoted to my prayers and a stomach that crossed the state line by itself .
With the critical state line in v-p plane developed by Chavez , the difference between the current void ratio and the critical state void ratio corresponding to the current stress is determined to be the state parameter .
( q / p ' ) _ ( IL ) decreases with increasing confining pressure , i.e. the area of the zone of instability ( i.e. the area between IL and critical state line ) increases with confining pressure .
According to an expos é by the Associated Press , the NYPD has been monitoring Muslims not just in New York , but also across the Hudson river ( and the state line ) in Newark , New Jersey .
Treece was abandoned after nearby Picher , Oklahoma , which sits just across the state line , was bought out by the federal government and bought out for the same reason & lead contamination left by decades of mining .
Treece was abandoned after nearby Picher , Oklahoma , which sits just across the state line , was bought out by the federal government and bought out for the same reason - lead contamination left by decades of mining .
The multi - state control line design of multi electric machinery
Economic analysis of State 's line in raw materials for nitrogenous fertilizer industry
Mass Balance at the Steady State Equilibrium Line Altitude and its Application
State of Line in Oil Painting Language
For general reliability analysis with fuzzy failure and safety state , line sampling method is presented to calculate general failure probability .
The law of large numbers for a class of random walks with resting state on line in random environments .
Through observing building design enterprises for years , a new thinking of partitioning the states on kinetic state base line is presented and the effect of the forecast method has been proved by practice .
Railway private sidings refer to the branch railway lines which are administered by enterprises or other units and are connected to a state railway line or any other railway line .
Application of State Grid Transmission Line Protection Standardization Design in Zhejiang Power Grid
Research on A Novel Adjustable Polarization State Dispersion Delay Line
Ensure the dimension compressing from the free state to broken line .